

Emotional – Spiritual Issues in Serious Illness

Caring for someone with a serious illness can bring up a lot of emotions for the person who is ill, but also for the family/caregiver.

Spiritual questions
Your spirituality may be challenged. At times, you or your relative may feel very lost. At other times, you may feel more alive and connected. Such is the nature of a serious illness.

Family conflict
Family relationships fall apart at times and rivalries may reappear; you may all need to look deep in your hearts to find gratitude, strength, and forgiveness.

Grief and hope
Families often experience feelings of grief, anger and a kind of sadness that comes before an expected loss. Although you may struggle to find hope, rest assured that even in the shadow of a serious life-limiting illness; there are periods of joy and memories to look forward to.

Mourning your loss
At some point, even before the loss; you and your family will be faced with grief. Everyone mourns in their own manner. There is no right or wrong way. How you handle it is exactly the right way for you.

Powerful Tools for Caregivers
  • Try to do something for yourself.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
  • Use other resources
  • Know your limits
  • Stay social
  • Keep up with your own appointments.
  • It’s ok to take a break